

AdvertQuick Network Description

Increase your revenue using our technologies now, you’re in full control when you’re in our system, maximize your wallets now. With our intensely smart advert distribution system, you can be sure that our adverts will suit your website and your audience.

We offer a very reliable payment schedule to help you build your brand and your bank reserves – we offer low payout options to many platforms and high earnings to every publisher.

Have trouble making money off your website? We have the solution for you. We can offer you:

Fast payments
Excellent client support
Multiple Ad Formats
Amazing referral program
Rich media ads
Daily Trends

AdvertQuick Network Details
Commission Type: PPC, CPC/CPM, Mobile
Minimum Payment: £15
Payment Frequency: Net 15, Request
Payment Method: Paypal, Wire, Cheque
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:  5748-544-251
Email: [email protected]
Join This Network
AdvertQuick Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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Rating: 2.2/5 (17 votes cast)
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: -1 (from 5 votes)

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12 Responses to "AdvertQuick(Closed)"

  1. Jack says:

    Don’t believe them, they are liars, total income is negative. Never pay! Stay away from them

  2. hyn says:

    our earnings set to zero with new design.where are our money so far earned?

  3. Nick says:


    Just to let everyone know we have sent payments 5 days early this month.

    Thank you,

  4. Nick says:


    yes we know that the site is taking a long time, we’re currently working on improving performance of service for the last week.


  5. gyt says:

    the site is taking longer time to connect.

  6. Nick says:


    we are working on the fill now for all of our publishers, we are processing application for advertisers and publishers as fast as we can.


    • Nick says:

      Just to let everyone know, we officially started trading on 27th December 2013, we are in process of setting up Advertisers for our network.

      This is taking time as we have hundreds of applications to process.

      Thank you.

  7. adg says:

    they have very poor fill rate. we are doubtful of they will pay.

  8. Nick says:

    Hi there,

    All websites have been approved, however just can you email me to make sure yours has not slipped through our filter? [email protected]


  9. Jadoo says:

    any payment proof? and how is their CPM?

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