V Advertize(Closed)

V Advertize

V Advertize Network Description
Our goal is to provide maximum CPM for their traffic. We have a good fill rate for every website through Real Time bidding and our partnerships with other networks allow us to improve fill rate.“Our RTB campaigns ensure you get the maximum income from your site.”Our technologies allow you to optimize your possibilities to increase revenue from displaying advertiser ads

V Advertize Network Details
Commission Type: CPM
Minimum Payment: $ 20
Payment Frequency: Net 45
Payment Method: Paypal
Country: US
Contact: Email: [email protected]
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V Advertize Payment Proof
advertizenet payment proof
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Rating: +6 (from 12 votes)

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13 Responses to "V Advertize(Closed)"

  1. Antony says:

    They do pay upon receipt of invoice.. Without invoice payments are not done and they will send mails for invoices.Graham Sinche You might have not sent invoice or there might be some other reason, contact them through email and you will be paid..They always pay on-time.. I am seeing good results with them.. am happy 🙂

  2. Graham Sinche says:

    They do NOT pay. SCAM network.

    • Aswik says:


      Can you send your reports & invoices of non payment? We will always pay until your account got suspended due to bad traffic..

      For the bad traffic not only VAdvertize but any network will not be able to pay..

      If at all your traffic is good and you are not paid then the reason would surely be that you dint sent invoice..

      Please let us know the issue by writing to our email instead of spreading this false newzz

      Please send your query to [email protected] i will look into the issue..

  3. Jessica says:

    Hi Guys am using this network. It is very good network and they are paying on-time.

  4. Reo says:

    global ad space for internet

  5. Revenue says:

    anyone using them?

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