
ElixAd Network

ElixAd Network Description

Elixad is a brand new ad site that credits users on a CPM based system! It pays per view! This site has a low $5 minimum payment and daily payments are available! Just signup, get your site approved, and earn with us
We work for our publishers with the sole aim of representing their sites to advertisers, bringing them ad revenue and helping them grow their businesses.

Innovative Interface
Use our sleek, intuitive user interface with countless unsurpassed features and tools to help you get more done faster while enjoying every second of it. Our team is always looking to add new features and is open to suggestions.

Reliable & Trustworthy
Reliability is a something we highly value at ElixAd. Due to the scalibilty of our platform we won’t suffer from downtimes in high traffic periods and guarantee we track every click.

Flexible Payments
We currently offer Paypal for payout options. Payments are sent out daily, on time and every times. Need something else? Our team will do the best to accomadate your needs.

Stunning Support
Feel free to contact us at any time about anything. We will be sure to answer within the next 48 hours. We make customer service a priority at ElixAd.

ElixAd Network Details
Commission Type: CPM
Minimum Payment: $ 5
Payment Frequency: Bi Weekly/Request
Payment Method: Paypal
Country: US
Contact: Email:  support@elixad.com
Join This Network
ElixAd Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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26 Responses to "ElixAd(Closed)"

  1. Metaton says:

    This CPM is a scam!…I waiting for my payment oooover a month now…

  2. Mikey says:

    Could not ask for much better! Have huge amounts of traffic and this site handled it! Even chatted with the owner on Skype!

    Payment was a little late, but still came in! Thanks for the payment!

  3. zieluu24 says:

    Recommend MediaCPM.pl Team. Daily Payout

  4. I think it is a good ad network and i am displaying their ads on my website.

  5. jenny liu says:

    we are looking for PC traffic based on CPM , if you can help us, please feel free to contact with me via email or skype :solidclix.jenny , thank you !!!!

  6. RoyMaster says:


  7. Minecraft says:

    is this cpm network legit?

1 2

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