

Dravam Network Description

Dravam.com is unique international ad network. We do allow only quality traffic, working with worldwide campaigns. You can earn good money with our Display Banners and Popunders. Very good CPM rates for world wide traffic.

Dravam Network Details
Commission Type: CPM, CPC, POPUNDER
Minimum Payment: $ 10
Payment Frequency: Net-30 and Upon Request
Payment Method: Paypal, Skrill, Wire
Country: India
Contact: Telephone:
Email: sandeep@dravam.com
Join This Network
Dravam Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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14 Responses to "Dravam(Closed)"

  1. thinkperfect says:

    good network for CPM lovers :). I am earning very good with them

  2. zieluu24 says:

    Recommend MediaCPM.pl Team. Daily Payout

  3. jenny liu says:

    we are looking for PC traffic based on CPM , if you can help us, please feel free to contact with me via email or skype :solidclix.jenny , thank you !!!!

  4. HI i started using Dravam in my website http://www.videosdhuniya.com/ , it looks decent and good. But i am not able to see revenue generated in my account.

    How long will it take to optimize my account or generate earning.

  5. digosa22 says:

    Good CPM rates, Good payments, Good network…

  6. Visualuser says:

    Hi, I submitted my application and waiting for my status update…I will update again here about Dravam.

  7. no1 says:

    bad rates,just 0.01

    • wayat says:

      Me too getting only $0.03 CPM for my asian traffic :(.

      • Venezula says:

        Hey Wayat, I am working with them from last 2 months. Starting I was getting like you low CPM only. But after somedays of joining I am seeing very good CPM rates from them. Currently I am earning 0.12 CPM for my US inventory.
        I think you can try some more days.
        Actually these networks took time to optimize our account.

        • OK says:

          $0.12 CPM looks low for US traffic. You can get more from other networks like SwitchAds or Adcash (For me they have around $0.40 CPM for US traffic)

        • webinterest says:

          I have new website and I am working with 3 networks including this network. I have 4000 daily visitors only from USA. I am getting 0.20-0.30 CPM for my traffic from all 3 networks. I feel OK.

    • Icansaytruth says:

      Hey Friend.. Not only in Dravam, In every network CPM rates are depends on quality of traffic and GEO. I worked with Fidelity, They dont give 100% fill rate, where I got very good CPM but they did not count all my impressions. With some other networks, They count all impressions but they give low CPM rates.
      Now I am working with Dravam also, I am seeing reasonable CPM rates for my traffic. Because my most traffic is come from Asian countries. only some traffic from US and Canada, for these I am getting very good CPM rates.

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