

ExcellenceAds Network Description

Excellenceads.com is a professional adserving platform offering advanced capabilities. It empowers large networks of sites, affiliate programs and high traffic websites.

ExcellenceAds Network Details
Commission Type: CPM, POP
Minimum Payment: $ 10
Payment Frequency: Net 15, Daily
Payment Method: Paypal, Wire, Payoneer
Country: USA
Contact: Email: [email protected]
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ExcellenceAds Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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159 Responses to "ExcellenceAds(Closed)"

  1. Richard M says:

    Hello scammers, and users who swear because they are illiterate.

    We are not run away, we are here and respond to all users, we still waiting new publishers but we are very strong check their websites,

    We still pay users that work with us now, real humans visitors, don’t want to pay for fake visitors, in past we recived banned from all of our partners because our traffic was 90% fake.

    If here is anyone who want to continue with us just sing up but tell again, will check all the sites very careful.

    Best Regards,
    Richard Martin,

    • Kyle says:

      Richard, (Dick)

      Do you think we are all ignorant and do not watch our own traffic, I can provide loads on analytics on my site proving that my traffic is NOT fake. Apparently, the only people who can cheat is you guys? How many hidden tags did you have in your one ad tag? More than enough. Plus, some simple research can show that the fact that you were paid for all of the traffic you recieved, ( Contacted the ad networks you used personally to get the answer) and that you are nothing but a scammer.

  2. zieluu24 says:

    Recommend MediaCPM.pl Team. Daily Payout

  3. zieluu24 says:

    deleting my account.

  4. cacami says:

    lol, they are deleting my account. scammer!

  5. Richard M says:

    We are not SCAM, users that sent us 90% of FAKE TRAFFIC and want to cheat us is SCAMA.

    Best Regards,
    Richard M.

  6. Richard M says:

    We recived 90% of fake traffic, we ban all suspected users, we verify all new users come, on ALEXA and much more.

    We can request you, a proof of your visitors at any time.

    Best Regards,
    Richard Martin,
    [email protected]

    • Scam Doctor says:

      You are so full of it and just a big SCAMMER how do you feel scamming people of thair hard work , you have no proof of all publishers you did not pay are sending fake traffic like my self send clean traffic but you have to pay over $100.00 and thats a problem you are not to be in this business and a failure to all good network that pay thair publisher and how you dont know you are getting fake traffic until its time to pay and yo make moner from that traffic reguardless SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM

    • Peter says:

      Scam 100%, my account have been deleted after pending payment…

  7. Hero0o says:

    Not able to login now!

  8. Jack says:

    Not ready network! but at least paid me once.

  9. RoyMaster says:

    This is a scam. He writes that he had paid me $131 and i’m for paypal they do not have this money

  10. RoyMaster says:

    Why show me the money was paid but paypal does not?
    Nick: RoyMaster paypal email: [email protected]

1 4 5 6 7 8

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