

ClearPier Network Description

We are a Publisher Trading Desk enabling buyers to make use of publishers’ audiences within a secure and transparent environment. Our Machine Learning Algorithm helps our sellers generate the highest yield for their inventory. Established with the purpose of helping publishers identify and monetize their assets, we have created a transparent and fair environment for the advertisers. To ensure this happens, we have developed the most transparent and far reaching Publisher Trading Desk backed by exceptional support and service.

We work with clients and partners in over 20 countries across the globe, including Canada, the United States, India, Australia, and multiple countries in Europe. Our team comes from leading exchanges and trading platforms with years of experience in building and operation in this area. Our core mission is to work alongside publishers to improve their revenue by identifying and utilizing all their assets and empowering them with all the tools required for them to bring on new revenue streams and maximize their existing ones.

ClearPier Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency:
weekly (conditions apply)
Payment Method: Paypal, Wire, Check
Country: Canada
Contact: Email: [email protected]
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ClearPier Payment Proof
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23 Responses to "ClearPier"

  1. FnilySolutions says:

    Hi Girls and Boys,

    BE AWARE of this company and ADCALIBRATE company. They are cheaters. IT IS BIG SCAM.

  2. FnilySolutions says:

    Hi Everybody,

    Hope you are well. This company is awful. They don’t pay us. Moreover this company changes the names and continue to work in the sphere of advertising. Also their manager AMIT GOGIA extorted the money from me and my company. I can share he screen of our conversation. And now this company is Adcalibrate. Be aware of manager AMIT because he is cheater and his boss Jithin is not exist. In this company there is only one member is AMIT. Don’t work with them. You can overlook our conversation ahd how he could try to extort the money from me for his work. Have a good day.

  3. Evgenia Elkova says:

    I absolutely agree with all these comments. And I also sure that AdCalibrate is the same company! Because, Amit Gogia worked in Clearpier and now he is in AdCalibrate! And both these companies don’t pay!!!They even don’t answer! Be careful with them! They pay at the very beginning and when you earn big sums they stop paying! Shame on you!

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