

ClearPier Network Description

We are a Publisher Trading Desk enabling buyers to make use of publishers’ audiences within a secure and transparent environment. Our Machine Learning Algorithm helps our sellers generate the highest yield for their inventory. Established with the purpose of helping publishers identify and monetize their assets, we have created a transparent and fair environment for the advertisers. To ensure this happens, we have developed the most transparent and far reaching Publisher Trading Desk backed by exceptional support and service.

We work with clients and partners in over 20 countries across the globe, including Canada, the United States, India, Australia, and multiple countries in Europe. Our team comes from leading exchanges and trading platforms with years of experience in building and operation in this area. Our core mission is to work alongside publishers to improve their revenue by identifying and utilizing all their assets and empowering them with all the tools required for them to bring on new revenue streams and maximize their existing ones.

ClearPier Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency:
weekly (conditions apply)
Payment Method: Paypal, Wire, Check
Country: Canada
Contact: Email: [email protected]
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ClearPier Payment Proof
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23 Responses to "ClearPier"

  1. kershay says:

    i sent they a email and they never replied
    they are totally scam

    Hi Clearpier ,

    I received an email from your accounts department on 3rd September 2015 saying that “After careful review of your traffic over June and July we have determined based on IAS reports that the amount of suspicious activity was extremely high. This could be due to one or more reasons:

    Misrepresented domains
    High amounts of non human traffic
    Non brand safe traffic

    Based on the internal process we use, we have found that the type of traffic you are sending us does not represent the type of traffic we represent. ”
    Now the questions i have from your company are :

    1. You were supposed to send payements to me on the 15th of August and you sent this email to me on 3rd September, this clearly indicates if my traffic was suspicious why would you run it for the entire month and then get paid from advertisers and not pay me?

    2. You have written this could be due to one or more reasons. It clearly shows that you do not have any proof that is the reason you have given all the possible excuses for not paying me. All you have mentioned due to internal process – give me the proof of what is your internal process ? Where was this internal process for the last 2 months?

    3. I have been sending you my traffic since 3 months and after 3 months you decide that it is suspicious when the amount becomes big to pay.

    4. My 3 accounts have been running with you, one account is mine and the other 2 accounts are of my friends. We are using same bank address as we are small at this point and thought of expanding after the payment is done but its hilarious that one account got paid which had low earnings and the other 2 didnt get paid which had high earnings, we all have same source of buying traffic.

    5. I have spoken to people from other companies as well whom you have not paid and everyone is saying the same thing about your company in the market, you have no right to stop our hard earned money as i have spoken to exchanges as well with whom you do business and they say they have paid your company.

    I have already found everyone from your company through linkedin and I will not keep quiet and make sure everyone in this industry come to know about the fraud your company is doing from india. I also know that your company keeps changing name every year and eats up people’s money through this –

    • doris86 says:

      I agree with every word. Moreover I know for sure that they received money from their demand partners. All their letters about declined payments is a lie. If anybody from Pubmatic will read this post – keep in mind please that such companies spoil your reputation as well.

  2. FnilySolutions says:

    Hi Everybody,

    Don’t work with them. It is scammy company. First time they pay, but as the deadline of big payment came they denied to pay us. Moreover they don’t provide with any evidence. They are cheaters. Be aware of them.

  3. mark18 says:

    won’t waste my time
    tnx guys!!

  4. ycq168 says:

    Now i have not received my July payment. i am waitting. i can not contact them on September 21. What did they do?

  5. Olivia Davies says:

    They won’t pay. Stay away from them, because they work and then cheat!

  6. Kate.dean says:

    Hello here,

    I had cooperation with this company,at the beginning of our cooperation, they paid without delay. But right now they don`t want to send our earned money. I think it`s awful trick from their side, for the first time to pay in time, but when publisher earns big sum of money not to pay them.


  7. doris86 says:

    After 6 months of successful cooperation these guys denied to pay reffering on the results of IAS revision. Can anybody explain me how could they get IAS report from the tags, which were paused two weeks before?

  8. Alexia Kyparissou says:


  9. mark says:

    What is the payment frequency..

1 2

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