

Adhexa Network Description

We work for our publishers with the sole aim of representing their sites to advertisers, bringing them ad revenue and helping grow their businesses.

AdHexa offers both brands and publishers a portfolio of advertising solutions that range from high impact custom placements to standard IAB ad units.

Adhexa Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM
Minimum Payment: $ 5
Payment Frequency: Every Month
Payment Method: Paypal, Bank withdrew
Country: US
Contact: Email: [email protected]
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Adhexa Payment Proof
adhexa 922
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146 Responses to "Adhexa(Closed)"

  1. publisher says:

    Guys, do you have their phone number?

  2. Denika says:

    They skip bigger payment request.

  3. Denika says:

    ADHEXA adserver is down, and there’s error on their website also, global.php on line 51

  4. Denika says:

    I made payment request on November 27 for $450, but still didn’t get it into my Skrill. I know why all we see is just adhexa banner, never an advertisement and i’ve made couple of videos about that. If i don’t get my payment till tomorrow, i will upload that video and let you all know.

    • Neo says:

      why not try paypal ?
      i got my payment yesterday !
      i believe may have some problem with Skrill !


      • Denika says:

        I made request $55 using PayPal on December 1, didn’t receive payment either. But i think it uses FIFO (first in first out), so i’m waiting for payment request on November 27 to be paid.

        • consumer says:

          They are now showing ads but sometimes ad bar is blank an no ad is shown, other times ads load tons of junk websites and make the website really slow, I hate that

          • kartika says:


            I have asked for a payment of several times at the beginning of the month dec 2014 to the present as much as $ 81, but I have not received the payment

            • consumer says:

              You have to request only PayPal payment, check that you write email correctly and just wait for monday/tuesday they pay at the begining of each week and you need to request a payment of the exact total of money you have avaiable.

  5. ralph says:

    They are offering today a really low CPM rate! Just 0,12 $ for 1000 views

    And they are now displaying bitvertiser ads that look crappy and are from another company that’s not adhexa.

    They paid us to stay with them and now they’re lowering the rates because they already have a user base,

    If the next week cpm doesn’t get better I’m leaving adhexa.

  6. Very good cpm network.I am using it on my website.I get about 0.15$ per cpm for my asian traffic.Fortunately,I find a good cpm network for asian traffic.And it is Adhexa.

  7. Consumer says:

    I have 2 questions:

    First, how log does it take to make the payment? 7 days? Or they just pay at the end of the week?

    Second, what means LEFT TO EXIT 31:50 ???

    • Consumer says:

      I was thinking the comments saying adhexa pays were the adhexa admins for making it look legit but they are real users like me that got paid.

  8. dias says:

    Why does my 2nd payment not yet I receive?

  9. consumer says:

    Guys I want to know, how does this network make money? I have placed ads in different websites and they were there for some weeks, and just displaying adhexa pink banner.

    From where comes the money?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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