

AdsCorpMedia Network Description

We offer CPM ( cost per mille = you earn per thousand impressions ) display banners for our publishers while we guarantee the highest bids on the market. We are able to do this because of one simple reason : we gather all advertisers and ad networks in one place and we let them compete for your ad spaces. We guarantee that you will only be displaying the highest paying campaigns in order to receive the best possible revenue.

We do not impose any minimum or maximum traffic in ourder to join. We allow each and every webmaster to monetize his / her website / content.
We offer detailed reports and blocking features that will allow you to deny any unwanted campaign in order to maximize your revenue.
You don’t need advanced programming knowledge in order to implement our ads. We offer a 1 line ad code that you can easily copy / paste on your website.
100% revenue share

No, it is not a joke, we do offer 100% revenue share. Whatever the advertiser is willing to pay you receive 100% of that amount.

AdsCorpMedia Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM
Minimum Payment: $ 10
Payment Frequency: Net-30 , Premium Users Net-15
Payment Method: PayPal, Wire Transfer
Contact: Email: [email protected]
Join This Network
AdsCorpMedia Payment Proof
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9 Responses to "AdsCorpMedia(Closed)"

  1. AdsFans says:

    are registered but aca’nt login. ):

  2. LaughingAtThis says:

    Few things, First, there is no such thing as 100% RevShare. How else would you be making money to pay for ad serving? Unless you are doing illegitimate things such as stuffing ads for extra impressions, which wouldn’t be surprising which there are clearly several different networks which are owned by the same people. Secondly, if you are going to make fake posts pretending to be a publisher, please make it less noticeable. Its laughable.

  3. publisher says:

    thanks January payment recived

  4. publisher says:

    payment received thanks AdsCorpMedia.COM

  5. publisher says:

    Very good and trusted network

  6. Noballz says:

    my pending payment is $12 but on 2015, that unpaid payments and paid payments history turn INTO $0.
    WTF! dont trust this company anymore

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