
Runadigital Network Description

RUN A DIGITAL is one of the largest Ad-Network in US and India working with majority of brands globally, With millions of impressions serving every month.

We work on Net30 Terms with all of our publishers, And Net15 with premium publishers or websites,

Competitive prices and eCPM’s for your impressions,

Complete transparency through reporting side,

We will ensure each and every possibility to use all of your impressions with prices much more that you do,

Ensure that only Quality ads run on your website.

We currently work with Top Agencies for fulfilling their Media Requirements, touches every aspect of the digital media ecosystem.

Also we have integration with many of the SSP’s and DSP’s for increased earning for our publishers through Remnant Inventory management,

Timely payments, Transparency, Visibility and Low Turn around time are our key features, We will also assign a dedicated Account manager for top tier publishers,

Runadigital Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: Net 30
Payment Method: Paypal, Wire
Country: IN
Contact: Phone : +91-900 089 6668
E-Mail : [email protected]
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Runadigital Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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6 Responses to "RUN A DIGITAL(Closed)"

  1. adfocardi says:

    Paying !!!!!!

  2. mahraj pasha says:

    I must say that Run A Digital is a legitimate network. We must believe in them. They do the payment on time and provide customer service as well. I have been working with them truly satisfied with their network.

  3. Robert says:

    New to adnetwork. can you explain me briefly

  4. Mark says:

    I have huge traffic from US, Can we work together?

  5. Veena says:

    I have tested the ad tags, Quite good getting good eCpm.
    Can you pay Net-15.

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