

AdPrimary Network Description

AdPrimary is an advertising system using smart advertising platform to help advertisers reach target campaigns most accurately.
By participating in our system, publishers can get the greatest amount of advertising.

AdPrimary accepts all traffic from almost all languages in the world, which helps achieve a 100% fill rate and bring you the highest profit.

AdPrimary helps website owners make use of any position to sell ads, especially those that are hard to sell directly to maximize their profits

AdPrimary always assures the best advertising display with a stable operation system. It is easy to manage ad placement.

AdPrimary system is built on the basis of understanding Publisher thereby creating a simple and convenient one for publishers to manage and use.

AdPrimary Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM /POP
Minimum Payment: $ 5
Payment Frequency: Weekly
Payment Method: Paypal
Country: Viet Nam
Contact: Email: [email protected]
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AdPrimary Payment Proof
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62 Responses to "AdPrimary(Closed)"

  1. linhcoder says:

    Thank for payment very well

  2. World18 says:

    Olá, vocês estão pagando quanto por cada 1000 vizualizações ?

  3. karantech4u says:


    Does anybody reply from this company? I try to connect with them many times but no email replay. Also they give small amount of eCPM than other sites. I give USA,CANADA,INDIA traffic but earning 0.01$ in 1 day test.

    Dear adpriamary, my username : karantech4u ; answer me via email.

  4. adpriamary says:

    Payment Oct

  5. FnilySolutions says:

    Hi Everybody,

    Does anybody reply from this company? I try to connect with them during 4 months. I have only one question: WHERE IS MY MONEY ORDER? Do you thinks it is normal not to pay so many companies. Pay me asap please!!!


  6. Kate.dean says:

    Hello here,

    Anybody lives at Adprimary? Can you give me please tel or Skype ID of Adprimary CFO?

    Don`t forget about payment for Amante Inc.



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