

AdFusion Network Description

Adfusion offers Popunder, Popup and directlink models, meaning that you will get the maximum amount of money each time one of our ads is displayed into your website.
Generate a maximum of revenue out of your website’s traffic with our high quality popunder ads, and get paid on daily basis. We provide to all our publishers the best rates of the market. Almost all sites are accepted, so do not hesitate anymore.

AdFusion Network Details
Commission Type: PopUnder, Directlink
Minimum Payment: $ 10
Payment Frequency: Daily Request
Payment Method: Paypal
Country: Romania
Contact: Skype: adfusionet
Email: [email protected]
 Join This Network
AdFusion Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 2.1/5 (17 votes cast)
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: -11 (from 19 votes)

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9 Responses to "AdFusion(Closed)"

  1. jade says:

    Closed – checked –05.04.2018

  2. poklon says:

    So,, AdFusion pay or not ? Dont say SCAM without proof, you just like haters.

  3. popmycash says:

    Adfusion is one of the best ad network I’ve ever used , payments in a few hours , great support, solves the tickets in minutes , so I recommend everyone to register.

  4. Frank2015 says:

    This network has no identity. They cloned dashboard. Shame on you !
    I use and they are very fair. Adswiki Admin must ban AdFusion network.

    • adfusion says:

      It is a free template! Is not a clone! We not have same options on script! You must working with who you want! Thank you!

      • Frank2015 says:

        You lie ! I will never work with you. How can I use your ad network when you copy others ?

      • Frank2015 says:

        You have like 0 imagination you couldn’t even rearrange the order of the buttons you copied… You are pathetic…
        Also, you send payments as chiriac ion catalin.
        An ad network managed by 1 random guy. I smell scams from 20 miles away… You are one of them.

        ……by the way

        How the hell do people even think about joining an ad network managed by a guy who had C minus on English in school???

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