

HeroCpm Network Description

HeroCPM is a cpm and trusty network in the field of online advertising. We serve optimizing ads through our community of partner sites. Based on different geopraphic locations, the ads are designed to relate best to the target audience with smart technology. Publishers can place multi format ads on cross-platform to get the best CPM rate monetizing every impression. Advertiser can get the best results with anti-fraud technology to filter and reject bot traffic to develop targeting solutions.

HeroCpm Network Details
Commission Type: CPM , POPUNDER, POPUP
Minimum Payment: $ 5
Payment Frequency: On Request
Payment Method: Paypal
Country: Vie tNam
Contact: Telephone:
Email: support@herocpm
 Join This Network
HeroCpm Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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56 Responses to "HeroCpm(Closed)"

  1. quangtien30 says:

    I contacted you how

  2. quangtien30 says:

    Please let me know the contact information of Skype or mail admini

  3. frogit08 says:

    Big scam!!! not pay, delete my account

  4. carlosuniversal says:

    support sucks, I’m months trying to contact support for recuperar my password because when I click the link to change the password is giving error making it impossible for me to change my password, lamentable support this company.

  5. dedoyxp says:

    The redirect occuring again, then I refreshed to check, now I have to deal with this
    mywebsite: kofansubs.com

    • herocpm says:

      Dear dedoyxp ,

      We have checked with our technical and banners are working good. There are only banners and We are checking with our partners too. Please run our ads then we will check with you together each day. You should check other company that you are running their ads Please.

      Thank you for your consideration !

      • dedoyxp says:

        At that time, I only run herocpm adtags, I’m not that stupid. I don’t like you treat me like an idiot. I said I have the same problem with other ad network (CPMFun), and then I try HeroCPM (Of course I erased the CPMFun tags before this), and get the same exact problem (or even worse on HeroCPM). I’m not using two network on the same time, okay?

        Then I quit using HeroCPM.

        Then I got an e-mail from HeroCPM, it said the ads were clean, so I wanted to try HeroCPM one more time, before that, look at this article and see the comment section, then I tell what I’m experienced. Then you said about having 3,000 site and publisher, not having complain, I dont know about the truth of your information, but I tried it anyway.

        Then I still got redirection and pop up message like on the picture.

        Nothing wrong with my computer, don’t say the redirection is from adware from my computer, its clearly from ads delivered by HeroCPM.

      • welly says:

        Dear Hero Cpm ,
        I am sending US traffic and Ca , but Why Ecpm is very Low ?

        Regards ,

  6. dedoyxp says:

    I dont know why Mii on above stop commenting, but I truly have redirecting problems and its the same on almost other ad network at that time (of course I only put one ad network tag when I test it)
    So, I stop using herocpm and other ad network

    But, recently I receive e-mail about clean ads on herocpm, is it really clean now? I used herocpm about November-Desember ago (I forgot the date, but surely between those date) and the redirect problem occur there

    I’d like to use herocpm again if it really have clean ads now

  7. Mii says:

    Yes dear. This and the rest I gave you on the other post pay per impression (CPM). This one is even purely CPM network.

  8. World18 says:

    Olá, vocês estão pagando quanto por cada 1000 vizualizações ?

  9. Mii says:

    I guess you don’t speak English fluently. I never called your network a SCAM plus I don’t own any advert network. I’m just a blogger. I just said your stats/reports are now okay. All my imps are now counted! I had Adcame network advert code on my site and found out yesterday that it redirected my site which made impression counts from you low. It is now okay after I removed their codes. If you dnt understand me after this comment, then I’m sorry, I cnt help cz I’m done explainning/commenting!!

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