

MaltaCPM Network Description

MaltaCPM is working as a ad network. MaltaCPM provide maximum benefits to all advertisers and publishers. MaltaCPM introduce a unique platform to publishers. From this publisher will earn a lot of income at minimum time. In online advertising world MaltaCPM provides live report, 24/7 support, automatically payment, CPM, CPC & POP ads at one platform for the first time With an account manager available for changes, issues and of course optimizations.

You could change ads code into Script code and iFrame. MaltaCPM provides all type of ads format. Easy to use just click on tag code and past it at any website.

MaltaCPM team is working with confident that every publisher will join MaltaCPM ad network and will be beneficial.

MaltaCPM ads is working in friendly atmosphere with Google Adsense.

MaltaCPM Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM/POP
Minimum Payment: Bank ($500), PayPal ($100), Money Booker ($100), Payoneer ($100), Skrill ($100)
Payment Frequency: NET30, NET45, NET60
Payment Method: Bank, PayPal, Money Booker, Payoneer, Skrill
Country: Malta
Contact: Email: [email protected]
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MaltaCPM Payment Proof
MaltaCPM Payment Proof
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236 Responses to "MaltaCPM(Closed)"

  1. ferdiikhsan says:


  2. ferdiikhsan says:

    MaltaCPM is working as a SCAM ad network. MaltaCPM provide maximum SCAM benefits to all SCAMER advertisers and publishers. MaltaCPM introduce a unique SCAM platform to publishers. From this publisher will earn a lot of income at minimum time AND NO PAYMENT FOR ALL. In online advertising world MaltaCPM provides live report, 24/7 support, automatically NO payment, CPM, CPC & POP ads at one platform for the first time With ALL account manager available for SCAM changes, issues and of course optimizations.

    • MaltaCPM says:

      Personal suggestion for you. if MaltaCPM is scam don’t work with MaltaCPM. Why you waste your time on scam network. Please join other network. Don’y waste my time. Thanks.

      • ferdiikhsan says:

        My time is my rule…
        What’s yaour problem…with my statement?

        • ferdiikhsan says:

          Any got wrong??
          What’s wrong with you??
          You stolled my payment…you declarated your company has SCAM…
          Then you said… I wasted my time….please join onther network…
          I told you some thing…
          I never quit to write how bad your company are…
          You understand…???

  3. yudiwijaya says:

    Whera are you sachi kelly or Ramona 🙂 or scamer or dreamer or my last comment to you dude…

  4. ferdiikhsan says:

    Hey….. Malta cpm
    Where my first payment $275.99
    Your promised me… End this week.

    What week???
    Witch week??

    Where week??

  5. Mii says:

    Why you shouldn’t join MaltaCPM?

    ….just check the proof in the replies I made to this comment. They are screenshots from fake payment proofs uploaded on this post

    So, I made my research, and compiled ALL payment proofs on this MaltaCPM post and decided to share with everyone out there

    • Mii says:

      NOTE: When I said ALL payment proofs, I meant excluding the ones uploaded by user, MaltaCPM.

      Now, my first proof that payment threshold was as low as $25 last year, then increased to $50. And even, for FIRST time payment.

      They give all excuses not to pay publishers. Even when they receive payments from Atomx for impressions SOLD by same publishers. Is that legit??? They claim they have the right not to pay!!! (Just check their comments to one publisher’s comment on this post)

      Anyways, they couldn’t see any way to claim I sent them bot traffic, they promised to pay since last year… Now, they increased their payment threshold and say I must earn $30 more before I am paid! Huh? When I requested payment, the threshold was still at $50. Just an excuse to SCAM me more!!! Below screenshot shows FIRST payment of $25 received by a publisher. So, minimum payout was LESS THAN $100!!!!!

    • Mii says:

      The 2nd fake payment proof uploaded on this post

      FIRST payment still less than $100!!

    • Mii says:

      3rd proof of MaltaCPM being a PROFESSIONAL SCAMMER
      This proof is photoshopped!!! “Payment sent” with a + sign showing receipt
      MaltaCPM must have ommited that part while editing!!!

      A payment received by any publisher should show PAYMENT RECEIVED!!!
      Conclusion: MaltaCPM has more than 1 account on Adswiki

      • Mii says:

        My final comment

        Just look at all payment proofs and it would show you they are all forged to SCAM you!!!

        The screenshot below (shown in one of ma previous comments) was uploaded to this post by someoneone claiming to be a publisher, yet, the proof is from the dashboard of MaltaCPM paypal account. How did a publisher get that????

        I REST MY CASE….

      • Mii says:

        * I guess they FORGOT to edfit just that part!!!!

    • Mii says:

      The final payment proof which was directly uploaded by Adswiki admin…. Must have been sent to Adswiki email disgusing as a publisher
      (only 4 payment proofs were found uploaded by)

      This payment proof is taken from the paypal acc of MaltaCPM which proves nothing!!!
      Payments can be sent to any of their other paypal accounts just to have a screenshot to provide to adswiki

    • Mii says:

      My final comment

      Just look at all payment proofs and it would show you they are all forged to SCAM you!!!

      The screenshot below (shown in one of ma previous comments) was uploaded to this post by someoneone claiming to be a publisher, yet, the proof is from the dashboard of MaltaCPM paypal account. How did a publisher get that????

      I REST MY CASE….

  6. Mii says:

    This shows $25 received as FIRST payment
    A proof someone claiming to be a publisher uploaded on the comments box here
    While MaltaCPM keeps claiming minimum threshold was never less than $100

    ALL LIES!!!

  7. Mii says:

    Hello everyone!

    You can join this network at your own risk.
    I know after uploading some proof to show they are SCAMMERS, they may try to pay some publishers, especially ferdiikhsan, then tell him to upload payment proof, so more publishers can join and be SCAMMED!!!!

  8. ferdiikhsan says:

    Hey ramon..
    Where my payment thats you promises wil be done in the of this week??

  9. Mii says:

    MaltaCPM BIG SCAM!

    As at June 2016, you made a comment here on adswiki about payment proof, and below is the proof you uploaded

    What was the the minimum payout you mentioned again???? Payment proof shows it was $50. Even earlier, it was $25!!!

    You are a big fraud!!! SCAMMER!!!
    I stopped using your ads immediately you joined atomx because their ads had redirects. I requested for payments and you kept posting me. Now, you have increased your minimum payout to $100 and say I have to earn more before you pay me, do I sound like a fool to you??? Huh? Why promise to pay if your minimum as at that time was $100???
    Pay me my $70+ and stop claiming to be in the right!!!


    • MaltaCPM says:

      If MaltaCPM is scam so why you waste your time with us. Join other network and don’t follow new company policies then post payment proof.
      For you kind information. We pay to our publisher first time payout $100 then remaining months payment does not compulsory $100. We pay to our publishers $10, $20, ………… etc.

      • Mii says:

        First of all, I am not usingnyour adnetwork!!! I have joined other ad networks…
        Secondly, I am not wasting my time; I will keep doing my best to destroy SCAM adnetworks like yours!!!! ….and protect other publishers from being scammed!!!

        Wait for my next comments….

1 6 7 8 9

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