

Adosia Network Description

Adosia’s viewable impressions will boost advertiser demand for your viewable inventory while increasing overall display advertising revenues generated. Joining the Adosia Publisher Network enables you to differentiate your inventory with viewable impressions and earn higher advertising revenues.
Content-Aware Ad Delivery
Adosia delivers content-aware ads in real-time, within both static and dynamic environments, providing the utmost relevance to your audience

Multiply Viewable Ad Inventory
Adosia increases viewable impressions up to 10-20+ times while unobtrusively drawing your visitors’ attention to your ads

Maximize Viewable Real Estate
Adosia dynamically populates ads “below the fold” as vistors scroll downwards to optimize revenue from every pixel in the viewport

Endless Applications
Place alongside static content, infinite AJAX feeds, user comment areas, or replace user-deterring slideshows with vertical scrollshows

50% Revenue Share
Earn a minimum 50% revshare payout on PPI, PPV and PPC ad revenues generated by your web sites’ visitor traffic

Seamless Integration
The inf∞ini ad widget seamlessly transforms your existing web sites into high-performing viewable impression revenue powerhouses

Adosia Network Details
Commission Type: CPM, vCPM and/or CPC
Minimum Payment: $ 100
Payment Frequency: Net 60
Payment Method: Check, Wire
Country: US
Contact: Telephone: (800) 887-7608
 Join This Network
Adosia Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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