Tribal Fusion (Exponential)


Exponential Network Description

Exponential Interactive is a global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions to brand advertisers.

Our e-X Advertising Intelligence Platform combines one of the world’s largest digital media footprints with proprietary audience data and technology to deliver advertising intelligence that enables smarter, better-informed marketing decisions.

Our audience engagement divisions – Appsnack, AdoTube, Firefly Video and Tribal Fusion – apply advertising intelligence to deliver high-impact, high-engagement campaigns across display, video and mobile media.

Exponential offers solutions in 26 countries worldwide and reaches more than 450m unique users every month.

Exponential Network Details
Commission Type: CPM,CPA
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: NET 45
Payment Method: Check, PayPal
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:510.250.5500
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Exponential Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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7 Responses to "Tribal Fusion (Exponential)"

  1. man999 says:

    Hii I need account exponential.

  2. Ronen Raveh says:

    CPM Rate higher

  3. Imtiaz790 says:

    will you give me your fb address

  4. Hussnain says:

    Hello i am from pakistan and can i use it in my country. Please tell me can you send payment via western union.

  5. Jarrko Tainio says:

    I am Tribal user since 3 years. When Panda update came, they said me not to use ad tags of other ad network because it will affect my SEO. When i follow their advice, they running only lead campaign and stop cpm and cpc campaign, revenue also dropping even from TribalFusion. 🙁

    these fellow are lying and cheating to promote only lead and sale campaign after fooling publisher. Please do not believe them. Please be careful. So many good ad networks there who are not lying & cheating fellows.

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