
Vdopia Network Description

Vdopia is the advanced mobile advertising platform and network, pioneering rich media and video advertising on smartphones, including Pre-App video and social networking options on smart mobile devices providing better monetization opportunities for app developers. Vdopia’s brand-centric mobile advertising network and platform is used by top developers and brands such as Coca-Cola, Warner Brothers and Miller Lite to deliver premium advertising campaigns.

Vdopia continued its revolutionary streak with Talk2Me, a completely extensible way of customizing ad interaction according to brand. Talk2Me ads are the first to allow mobile advertisers to tailor interactive actions in video and banner ads that include the customized social features to best fit their branding needs.

Vdopia Network Details
Commission Type: CPM,Video,Mobile
Minimum Payment: N/A
Payment Frequency: N/A
Payment Method: N/A
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:650-353 – 3290
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Vdopia Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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3 Responses to "Vdopia(Chocolateplatform)"

  1. kennyn says:

    I have experience with Vdopia going back to 2013. They started out okay but over the years got worse and worse. Yesterday was my last day running Vdopia ads and here is why….

    In my most successful month running Vdopia ads to date I earned more money than I ever earned with them in a month’s time. This amount was $3,024.69 for the month of April. I was told I would get the payment yesterday (Tuesday, May 31st, 2016). Instead of them just paying me what I was owed they sent me a recently edited excel sheet claiming they only owe me $260.00. This is complete BS. They owe me $3,024.69, which I just earned in April, 2016.

    They have a portal which tells me how much money I earned every month, in it it even says in April I earned $3,024.69.

    In the excel sheet they sent me they claim I have already been paid this money and claim to have sent me “advance payments” for the ads served in April. Which is impossible considering the ads are CPM and at the beginning of April it was unknown how many impressions I would get in April and how much I would earn. Again, this is complete BS. I did not recieve any “advance payments” and never ever have got an “advance payment” for advertising in my life.

    I have PayPal records which show I never recieved the $3,024.69 and they claim they paid me it in months prior as advance payments. It’s a big run around and they for some reason just don’t want to pay me what I am truly owed, $3,024.69.

    Long story short…Vdopia will give you the run around as your site becomes more successful and earns more money. They don’t want to pay you what you earned. Do not trust Vdopia, I cerainly can’t anymore!

  2. Bindu says:

    The reputation is not good. They only server you ads not payment.Looks very fraud company.Wasting ad space , time & money.

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