Matomy Media(Closed)

Matomy Media Description
Founded in 2006 as XTEND, recently rebranded Matomy Media is a global display advertising company that covers the digital marketplace from all angles – display media, mobile, and social, as well as search marketing, and provides high-performing media to meet wide-ranging marketing objectives for advertisers and optimized monetization for publishers.  With a fresh-thinking approach to enhancing the user experience and an advanced technology-based infrastructure, we bring you results that matter.
Matomy Media’s mission is to make digital advertising effective and reliable by leveraging its in-house business intelligence, data analysis systems and strong foundation in customized solutions for clients to develop and maintain successful and trusted relationships with our partners. With innovation at our core and a flair for media, we continue to pave the way in bridging the gap between our clients’ demand for quality and a cross-channel approach to digital marketing.
Matomy Media Details
Commission Type: CPM(Cost Per Impressions)
Minimum Payment: $50 for PayPal , $100 for Payoneer (1st payment) and $500 for wire transfers
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: wire transfer, PayPal or Payoneer card
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:+972 77 3606060
Email:[email protected]
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Matomy Media Payment Proof
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4 Responses to "Matomy Media(Closed)"

  1. michael says:

    do scrubs all the time for me.
    cant tell the real number of conversions

  2. yafqnd says:

    I get wire transfers from them monthly without an issue.

  3. Alejandro says:

    I’ve started testing this network a few weeks ago, and I admit they have one of the best CPMs I’ve seen for LATAM. They are supposed to pay on a net-30 basis. I definitely recommend this network. For some reason, Israel-based networks have the best CPMs for LATAM at least. 😉

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